Exercise - Lesson 8

The Question Reading

(See Introduction to Exercises.)

Exercise 8.1 - Doing a Question Reading

You are going to do a Celtic Cross Question Reading from start to finish. Follow the procedure outlined in lesson 8. (Also refer to the step-by-step outline.) You will need a question to be answered. You can use the question you wrote in Exercise 7.1 or write a new one. Interpret the cards as best you can using your intuition and the Card and Celtic Cross Sections.

You may feel a little at sea this first time - not sure whether or not you're doing everything right. Remember there is no one correct interpretation. What you see in the cards is right for you by definition, and, no matter what, you will come away with something of value. In future lessons, you will learn some principles of interpretation that will help you feel more confident. At that point, we'll revisit this reading to see what else you can learn from it.

Lesson 8

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